Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices are the sparks that ignite your inner light, fueling curiosity, passion, and joy for life. Embrace these transformative tools to connect with the boundless energy that flows through all creation.

Spiritual Mind Treatment/Affirmative Prayer

We celebrate an ever-present, loving Source that is eager to shower us with life’s blessings. Our prayers are vibrant affirmations, recognizing the divine truth that lives within us and flows through all creation. We believe that boundless love and generosity are always available, waiting for us to ignite our curiosity, open our hearts, and embrace the joy of receiving.

Affirmative prayer is a dynamic practice that deepens our connection with the Source of all life, sparking passion and a renewed zest for living. We invite you to experience the transformative power of these prayers by connecting with one of our Prayer Practitioners. It is their sacred privilege and deepest joy to affirm the radiant truth of who you are. Engaging in an affirmative prayer practice can light up your life in ways you’ve never imagined.




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Spiritual Study
Life is infinite and ever-expanding, offering us endless opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve. At every stage of our spiritual journey, it’s vital to maintain a “beginner’s mind”—an open, teachable heart that embraces the boundless nature of spiritual truth. Through dedicated spiritual study, we continuously rise to deeper levels of understanding, wisdom, and practice, fueling our passion and curiosity for the endless possibilities life has to offer.



Spiritual Community
Our spiritual evolution blossoms as we shift from the mindset of the individual to the consciousness of the “WE.” Committed participation in a spiritual community not only accelerates our personal growth but also magnifies our collective power. When we gather together to meditate and pray, we co-create a powerful spiritual vortex that amplifies each individual’s journey. Our community serves as a living laboratory, where we cultivate patience, unity, compassion, and selflessness, igniting joy in our shared spiritual evolution.



As we deepen our understanding of the law of circulation, we recognize that giving—whether of our financial resources, talents, or skills—is at the heart of spiritual practice. Each time we give, we activate the Law of Circulation, embracing the reciprocal nature of the universe. In this flow of generosity, we receive abundantly in return, knowing that we cannot out-give the divine. We joyfully give where we are spiritually nourished, trusting that our contributions will multiply and return to us tenfold.

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Oneness is cultivated, Unity is lived, and Reverence for all life is practiced, empowering us to thrive individually and collectively.

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(760) 323.5447


 2100 E. Racquet Club Rd.
Palm Springs, CA. 92262